Tuesday, October 23, 2007

^^^^^^NASA Photo of Red Square Nebula^^^^^^^

God's Intelligent Creation ~ by Nebula (creator of blog)

Sit back with a cup of coffee, as you take a visual tour of the universal building blocks and/or machinations of earth and space, that will illustrate the magnificent complexity, beauty and exquisite intelligence of the Creator.

Enjoy the ride as we glide by the forms and shapes of Sacred Geometry in snowflakes and honeycombs and the pervasive spiral form evident in whirling galaxies and hurricanes replicated in many other forms in nature....

then soar through evidence that musical tones creates geometric shapes.... and water molecules form beautiful snowflake designs when exposed to the powerful waves of love and classical music.

Those are just a few of the phenomenal miracles of this existence we call life, that will be presented to you during your visit....


KT said...

I'm excited that you are blogging! It's nice to find you in one spot.

Nebula said...

Thank you, but, uhhh....who are you??